Colin, a Mangalica pig, and his two brothers were initially purchased as a wedding gift for a young couple, along with various other animals to inhabit their smallholding. Unfortunately, circumstances shifted, and the smallholding was put up for sale. As a result, the animals were all slated for rehoming or slaughter.
While Colin’s paperwork was being sorted, he was spared from the slaughterhouse, but his brothers were not as fortunate. Fortuitously, Colin’s guardian angel emerged in the form of the lady who purchased the smallholding. As a vegan, she couldn’t bear the thought of Colin being sent to slaughter, so she took him in.
Colin spent his days playing football with the children and dogs, but it soon became evident that he was longing for the company of his own kind. This is when we were contacted to see if we could offer him a home with other pigs.
Dotty, on the other hand, had previously belonged to a nurse who sought a pig for companionship. Dotty was an ideal fit: calm, thoughtful, and content with human interaction. After her owner returned from stressful shifts, she would read books in the garden to Dotty, who would sit beside her, occasionally grunting in appreciation.
However, circumstances changed, and Dotty needed a new home. She was placed in a temporary foster home, but it wasn’t suitable for the long term.
Having recently lost Colin’s previous companion, Gloria, we believed Dotty would make an excellent match for Colin. Consequently, Dotty joined us at the sanctuary and was introduced to Colin’s paddock.
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