Flossie, an orphan lamb, was rescued after one of our supporters visited a commercial farm and discovered her in poor condition. The supporter immediately took Flossie to her vet, who also happens to be ours. The vet advised that she reach out to us to see if we could provide a home for Flossie.
The little lamb was underweight, suffering from fly strike, and had an eye infection. After receiving treatment from the vet, Flossie was brought to us to receive the extra care and TLC she needed to recover.
Dahlia’s journey took her all the way from Wales. She was found alone in the Welsh countryside, clearly hungry, with no other sheep in sight. Her rescuer began searching for a safe home for her and contacted us. Naturally, we were more than happy to offer her a place at the sanctuary.
Today, Flossie and Dahlia are thriving. Both are small, very friendly lambs who have settled in well and are now safe and cherished here at the sanctuary.
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Mon-Fri, 9 am – 5 pm
Sat & Sun: 10 am – 4 pm.
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