The little disabled lamb who arrived here in April 2016 unable to walk is now up and running—a testament to her remarkable determination. She must have been in considerable discomfort when she arrived. Having pulled herself around by her front legs since birth, she had made her bottom sore, yet she never once showed any sign of distress.
Determined to be the first to come for a bottle, no matter the method she used to drag herself around, she kept up with the other lambs when she was helped into the paddock and was always the first one back at teatime.
Freedom never felt sorry for herself. We provided her with antibiotics, vitamins, and daily physiotherapy to help her stand. After a few weeks of treatment, she could stand on her own and take a few steps. Once she found her feet, her progress was rapid. She has now joined the flock and can run and play with the others.
There is an old saying among farmers: “If you have sheep, you will need a shovel,” reflecting a belief that all sheep are destined to give up and die. Well, meet Freedom—she has proved them all wrong.
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