
Born on a commercial farm, destined for the slaughterhouse or market at six months old, George was found half drowned in a bucket of water as a tiny piglet. His brother wasn’t so lucky, he had drowned. George was taken inside and brought back to life by the farmer’s wife. She didn’t just save his life, she found a place in her heart for him.

When it was his time to go to market with the rest of his siblings he was found a home with friends who happened to have the perfect garden for a pig. Unfortunately, circumstances changed and they were unable to keep George, so they got in touch with us. Luckily, we had a George shaped space.

George is a very friendly, very chatty boy. He loves chasing the truck after breakfast and loves a belly rub!


Facts about George:

  • Arrived at the sanctuary: 2016
  • Diet: George is fed on a diet of specially made pig nuts which have all the nutrients he needs, but he also gets a mixture of fruits and veggies which are donated to us. George doesn’t like vegetables much but loves all fruit, especially strawberries, blueberries and grapes. We sometimes sneak cakes to him too!
  • Favourite Activity: George’s favourite activity is…sleeping! He is an older boy and enjoys a good snooze, especially if the sun is shining!
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