Mavis, our most recent rescue, is a dairy cow who has been through quite a lot. At just seven years old, she was deemed no longer useful as her milk yield declined and she had already had three calves—she had ‘served her purpose’. Despite being well cared for with the best food and shelter from the elements, Mavis and her companions spent the majority of their lives indoors.
Seven years might seem quite young for a healthy animal to be sent for slaughter, but that’s a harsh reality of the farming industry, where animals are often killed while still in their prime to meet consumer demands.
Since arriving, Mavis has shown every sign of happiness in her new home. She has been calm and curious, and she has integrated seamlessly with our other cattle.
If dairy cows were given a choice, would they prefer to stay inside or be out in the open? We’ll be observing Mavis over the next few months to see if she offers us any answers.
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