In November 2020, we had the chance to rescue two groups of ex-battery hens, a total of 80 birds. These remarkable creatures had spent their brief lives confined in wire cages, deprived of natural light, without a private space to lay their eggs, and packed into sheds with thousands of others.
Yet, their story took a fortunate turn. Instead of being sent to the slaughterhouse, they were transported to a completely different environment—one of fresh air, sunshine, grass, and freedom.
Watching them emerge from their travel crates and experience grass under their feet for the very first time is an incredibly fulfilling sight. Some hens stand in awe of the green expanse, unsure of what to make of it, while others eagerly leap out and begin scratching for grubs.
Despite having been denied their natural behaviour for so long, their innate instincts remain intact, and their resilience to survive is truly inspiring.
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Sat & Sun: 10 am – 4 pm.
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